Children's and Youth Development Officers

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Got a question about Children’s and Youth Work in your area? Thinking about setting up a Youth Group? Organising a trip for children? Whatever questions or concerns you may have, your Synod Children's and Youth Development Officer (CYDO)* is there to support you.

1 Northern Hannah Middleton   
1 Northern
Children's Work Advisor, Mrs Hannah Middleton
Youth Work Advisor, Mr John Stephenson

2 North Western Leo Roberts 
2  North Western
Mr Leo Roberts

3 Mersey Stephen Mitchell
3  Mersey
Mr Steven Mitchell

4  Yorkshire
C&YP Development Practitioner, Mrs Megan Tillbrook

Jon Steel
C&YP Development Practitioner, Mr Jon Steel 

5 East Midlands Jane Henderson         
5  East Midlands     

8 South Western Vacant      
6 West Midlands
Mr Richard Knott

Nicola Grieves   

7  Eastern
Mrs Nicola Grieves

Michelle Howard      
8 South Western       
Vacant. Please contact synod office 

9 Wessex north Phil Ray       
9 Wessex (North)
Mr Phil Ray

Ruth White 
9 Wessex (South)
Mrs Ruth White

10 Thames North Lorraine Downer
10 Thames North
Lorraine Downer

11 Southern Tom Hackett   
11  Southern 
Mr Thomas Hackett

12 Wales Judy Harris       
12  Wales
Mrs Judy Harris

 Jess and Matt        
13  Scotland                   
Children's Ministry Development Worker, Jess Poole

Youth Ministry Development Worker, Matt Baines


Click on the links above to email the CYDO or CYDO equivalent in your synod or visit here to find out more about what a CYDO actually does.                          


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