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Sacred Conversations on Migration

This is a collection of resources to enable, encourage and stimulate what we are calling ‘sacred conversations’ on migration. It for use in congregations and by small groups. To this collection we will be adding more materials as we receive them or are made aware of any such resource relevant to the theme @home in a strange place.

In using the materials we note the following:

  • Read firstly the introductory leaflet (@home in a strange place).
  • Afterwards have a look at some model conversations we have provided to help you get your conversation going. You can use any of these, either as we have suggested or as you may wish to redesign to suit your own context.
  • The resources are grouped together under two broad categories: primary resources and other or secondary resources. Under each category the resources are further subdivided to help you find them easily.
  • Should you use any of the resources, we would very much appreciate if you can to let us know of your experience in using the resources (what worked well? What did not work so well? What else we need to consider?). To help with your feedback, kindly see the evaluation resource sheet below ('your feedback matters').

Primary Resources [to enable conversations]

sacred conversations [the idea and some suggested outlines for conversation]
@home in a strange place flyer [introducing sacred conversations on migration]
your feedback matters [evaluation form]

model conversations [some suggested format and content]
@home - journeying
(conversation and questions. This model is for churches that may have projection/film faclities)
@home - entertaining angel
(conversation and questions. This model is for churches that have projection/film facilities)
@home - moved
(This model uses audio recordings for conversation and questions. A short video clip titled 'moved' is available upon request)
@home - real life images
(This is a collection of photo images with questions for conversation accompaning each image)
@home - walking with stranger
(This model is a collection of short stories with questions for discussion)
@home - your outline model for a conversation
(This is a suggested outline of a conversation shape, with some pointers on planning a conversation and the qualities of a sacred conversation.)

worship - liturgical
stations of the cross [through images and stories of today's refugees]
Vigil Service for Refugees [ecumenical service]
Intercession for those who have lost their lives [CCME]
Beyond Borders - Ruth [sermon]
My Neighbour - Ruth [sermon]
Journeying [bible study and worship]
Seeking a home [prayer]
Fears [prayer]
Strange place to born [reflections]
Various Services and Resources [by Carla Grosch Miller]
Prayer and Other Resources[Churches Together Merseyside]
Prayer Resources [Baptist Together]
Prayer Tree for Refugees [Bible Society]
Hymn - God travels with us [Colin Ferguson]

poetry and reflections
Imagine a world [Karen Campbell]
They ask me where I come from [Karen Campbell]
Who is my neighbour? [Karen Campbell]
Home [Warsan Shire]
A URC Minister reflects/speaks [the Revd Melanie Smith]
Students Reflecting on @home [Holly Scott-Riddel; True deBolt; Loh Wan Ling]

resolutions and declarations
URC and Synod Resolutions [GA, Mission Council, Wales, Scotland, Eastern]
Northern Synod [Resolution on Refugees]
The Birmingham Declaration 2014


Moved audio only

Moved audio questions

Other Resources [to further support conversations]

Making History Work [Collection of family Histories and Migration Stories]
Bangla Stories [Stories of Migration as told by 8 interviewees]
Countries Promoting the Integration of Migrants [figuring the stats]
Migration Timeline [Britain in Global context - interactive]
Welcoming the Stranger [Resource booklet of Churches Together - the Merseyside Region]
Mapping Global Refugee Crisis [New Internationalist Map Overview]
Mapping Migration -Churches' Responses in Europe [Research by CCME]
Tangled Roots [stories across borders]
Migrant Voice [promoting the voices of migrant]

Mission, Migrants and Refugees [Juliet Kilpin reflecting]
The Star Still Shines [Jesuit Refugee Service]
Migration and Movement [Us which was formerly USPG]
The Other is my Neighbour [World Council of Churches]
Living alongside or living with [Sally Foster-Fulton reflecting]
Hospitality and Sanctuary for All [Inderjit Bhogal]
God in Exile [Jesuit Refugee Services]
Home, Belonging and Identity [Diocese of Norwich]
Focus on Refugees [Churches Together in Britain and Ireland]
Together we Walk [Church of Scotland Resource for youth]
Mission, Migrants and Refugees [Church of England, MAPG]
Free to be Freeing [CWM-Europe Resource: Reflecting on Human Trafficking]
Moving Stories - The Bible and Migration [Bible Studies from the Baptist Union of GB]

podcasts - videos
Beyond an ecology of Fear [podcast by Dr Susanna Snyder, at London Churches for Social Action]
Migration Museum Project [short videos and other resources]
Coventry Refugee Conference [Baptist Union of Great Britain]

 [With thanks to the members of Working Group for their time and contributions and to all who have kindly allowed us to use or link their resources to this page.]


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