Assembly Accreditation

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Assembly Accreditation

Accreditation is a significant mark of recognition for a lay preacher for their work in the wider church. It is a substantial and worthwhile goal for which those who are new to leading worship and preaching may aim.

Assembly Accreditation is given to those leading worship and preaching in URC churches who are members of the URC and who have undertaken an approved practical and theoretical training including experience of leading public worship. They will have been commended by their own church and by their Synod and approved by the United Reformed Church’s Accreditation sub-committee. 

Those who have equivalent training in another denomination but who are members of the URC or of an LEP which includes the URC may also be considered for Assembly Accreditation.

This accreditation will be affirmed at a Commissioning service, normally at the lay preacher’s own church, and acknowledged by the Synod. This accreditation is also recognised by other denominations.

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