The URC is a member of...

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Council for World Mission (CWM)
The United Reformed Church is a member of the Council for World Mission (CWM), an international organisation through which The United Reformed Church shares in worldwide mission.

General Secretary:
The Revd Dr Collin Cowan
CWM Ltd, 114 Lavender Street
#12-01 CT Hub 2, Singapore.
+65 6887 3400; fax: +65 6235 7760

Council for World Mission UK
Council for World Mission UK is made up of the European members of CWM where we accompany each other in mission and give expression to mission in our European contexts.

CWM Mission Secretary Europe:
The Revd Michael Jagessar
Council for World Mission UK
11 St Georges Circus
London SE1 8EH
020 7222 4214; fax: 020 7222 3510

World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC)
through which it is linked with the member Churches of the Reformed and Congregational families.

General Secretary:
The Revd Dr Chris Ferguson
Knochenhauerstr. 42
30159 Hannover, Germany.
+49 511 8973 8310
fax: +49 511 8973 8311

The World Council of Churches (WCC)
through which it shares in fellowship and joint action with Churches throughout the world.

Interim General Secretary:
The Revd Prof Dr Ioan Sauca
World Council of Churches,
150 Route de Ferney, PO Box 2100,
1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland.
+41 22 791 6111

Conference of European Churches (CEC)
through which it shares in fellowship and joint action in Europe.

Ms Véronique Engels, Assistant General Secretariat (Brussels)
+32 (0)2 234 68 34

General Secretary: Dr Jørgen Skov Sørensen
Ecumenical Centre, rue Joseph II, 174,
BE-1000 Brussels, Belgium.
+32 2 230 17 32; fax: +32 2 231 14 13

Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME)
A European ecumenical organisation that serves the churches in their commitment to promote the vision of an inclusive community through advocating for an adequate policy for migrants, refugees and minority groups at European and national level. Currently has members in 20 European countries.

General Secretary:
Dr Torsten Moritz
Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME), Ecumenical Centre 174,
Rue Joseph II, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium.
+32 2 234 68 00; fax: +32 2 231 14 13 /

Community of Protestant Churches in Europe
(Leuenberg Church Fellowship) through which the URC links with other Reformed and Methodist churches in Europe.

The Council was constituted on
17.9.2018 and is led by the
Presidium consisting of Miriam Rose
and John Bradbury
Severin-Schreiber-Gasse 3,
1180 Vienna, Austria.
+43 591517 00900

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI)
through which it takes counsel and co-operates with other churches in
Britain and Ireland.

General Secretary:
Mr Bob Fyffe
Interchurch House, 35 Lower Marsh,
London SE1 7RL.
020 3794 2288

Churches Together in England (CTE)
through which it takes counsel and cooperates with other churches in England.

General Secretary:
The Revd Dr Paul Goodliff
27 Tavistock Square,
London WC1H 9HH.
020 7529 8131

The Free Churches Group (FCG)
through which it is linked to other Free Churches in England and Wales.

General Secretary:
The Revd Paul Rochester
27 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HH.
020 3651 8335

Churches Together in Wales (CYTUN)
through which it takes counsel and cooperates with other churches in Wales.

Chief Executive:
The Revd Canon Aled Edwards OBE
Cytûn/ Churches Together in Wales
Room 3.3, Hastings House, Fitzalan
Court (opposite Brunel House),
Cardiff CF24 0BL
03300 169860

The Commission of Covenanted Churches in Wales
through which the United Reformed Church is covenanted to seek visible unity with four other denominations in Wales.

Faith, Order and Witness Enabler
Mr Peredur Owen-Griffiths
C/o Cytûn/ Churches Together in Wales
Room 3.3, Hastings House, Fitzalan
Court (opposite Brunel House),
Cardiff CF24 0BL
03300 169859

The Inter Faith Network for the UK
through which it takes counsel and co-operates with other faiths in the UK.

Executive Director:
Dr Harriet Crabtree OBE
2 Grosvenor Gardens,
London SW1W 0DH.
020 7730 0410
fax: 020 7730 0414

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